Restorative Exercise

Restorative Exercise is a movement practice created by biomechanist Katy Bowman of Nutritious Movementâ„¢ (WA, USA) and after a rigorous program of study, a teacher can apply these principles to his or her own clients. There are only a few hundred Restorative Exercise Specialists around the world. The best way to describe "RE" is that it straddles the space between physiotherapy and fitness.

Wondering what a Restorative Exercise class looks like?

In my classes we explore how our brains promote efficient movement through habitual patterns. Introducing variability can initially cause tension and discomfort. However, with practice, we can develop new movement and neural pathways, engage more of our bodies, and enhance our health at a cellular level.

Our sedentary lifestyles often result in the underuse of certain body parts. In class, we perform a variety of movements, from simple arm raises to walking, to determine if we are defaulting to patterns that may lead to overuse injuries. Both overuse and underuse injuries manifest similarly. Therefore, the goal is to increase variability, providing the body with more options and utilising a broader spectrum of muscles and joints. This approach helps prevent overuse injuries and atrophy from underuse.

The objective is to achieve muscle balance, restore joint flexibility, and establish new strategies for overall physical well-being. The class incorporates a blend of movement influences, all focused on enhancing bodily function.

Whether you are new to movement practice or not, I will assist you in developing strength, flexibility, and balance. I offers support in modifying exercises, using props, or scaling movements to suit your needs. I'm a dynamic 64-year-old with over 24 years of experience and a background similar to yours, so I understand and can meet your needs effectively.

Restorative Exercise class
"One of the things I love about your classes is the way you get us to do familiar moves and then add a new twist so we can tap into new parts of our bodies in a way we can distinguish the difference."
Class participant
"...I'm always amazed at how seamlessly you incorporate aspects of the body to create a cohesive class. Your classes are the highlight of my week and the only time I seem to be able to unwind."
Class participant
"As a teacher myself, I admire your calm and organized delivery and wealth of knowledge. Every class gives me some little nugget of knowledge that is enlightening."
Movement teacher